If you’re needing your order urgently, choose PRIORITY PROCESSING at the checkout. Don’t wait until your order’s already been placed. We can’t guarantee if you email us later that you’ll get in the priority queue.
(Please note for Priority Processing your order and correct artwork MUST be received by 8am WST for that day to be counted as day 1).
Choose Air shipping if you need it urgently. (Don’t choose free road simply because it’s free, if you can’t wait the 1-2 weeks it takes to get to you!) At the checkout, the shipping options have the estimated time taken.
PRINTERY EXTRAS. If you’re wanting extra printery services like die cutting or duplexing, these
add extra days to the production EVEN with priority. Educate yourself with the production times
and decide from the start if you need priority or not.
Check our turnaround times here.
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