Remember that you can't have digital Gold and Silver on the same artwork.
You'll need to create a Spot colour if you're using Illustrator or InDesign (or a similar program) or create a HEX colour if you're using Canva.
Illustrator or InDesign
It's important that your Illustrator or InDesign document is using the CMYK profile
Digital Gold
Create a Red spot colour (CMYK 0/100/100/0) and named: Gold
Digital Silver
Create a Cyan spot colour (CMYK 100/0/0/0) and named: Silver
In Illustrator |
If you’re using Canva (which can’t create spot colours) use these Hex values for Gold or Silver instead:
Gold: #ff0000 (Red)
Silver: #00ffff (Cyan)
Save your PDF with the RGB Color profile.
Related articles:
Can I print white ink with Digital Gold, Silver and Metallic Colours on the same page?
Can I print CMYK colour with Digital Gold, Silver and Metallic Colours on the same page?
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