Supplying your artwork for pockets and sleeves isn't very different from any other kind of printing.
However, you MUST use our templates. You can download Illustrator, InDesign and PDF versions of our templates here.
If you're using Canva, you can use our PDF version of the template. Please take a look at this article to see how to use our templates in Canva.
When you open your template, you'll see two versions, one for printing on the outside of the pocket, and one for the inside.
Top Tips from The Printery peeps
1. Choose page one or two of the template depending on what side of the pocket you want printed.
2. Place your artwork on our template
3. Add 5mm bleed if required
4. Do not place artwork on glue flaps
5. All important text and graphics need to be at least 5mm from the edge of the pocket (cut line)
You'll then need to supply a two page PDF:
1. Your artwork placed on our template.
2. Your artwork without our template (just remove the dieline).
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