Making sure your design lines up in the middle of a gatefold card can seem tricky. Follow the steps below when using Adobe Illustrator.
This is an example using a 120x180mm scored card.
Step 1
Create a new document at the correct flat size 180x240mm.
View rulers and drag guides to show the score lines where your gatefold will be (60mm wide sections). You can also draw score lines where these guides are if you find it easier. You MUST delete drawn score lines before saving your PDF.
1 View rulers and drag guides. |
Step 2
Position your design so that it's half on the document and half bleeding off. (We DO NOT recommend text running over the gatefold as there will be a small (up to 2mm) amount of movement with digial printing and trimming and the join will be more obvious than with an illustration).
2 Position your artwork. |
Step 3
Draw a box the same size as your gatefold panel (60x180mm in this example). Select the box and the artwork and 'Make Clipping Mask'.
3 Make Clipping Mask | 3 Artwork with clipping mask activated |
Step 4
Copy this clipping masked artwork box from the right panel, and paste on the left panel. Carefully align with the LEFT OUTER EDGE of the document (completely off the document on the pasteboard).
4 Copy and paste masked artwork and position on the pasteboard against the left edge. |
Step 5
Select the two panels and 'Release Clipping Mask' on both panels (right click for release option).
5 Clipping masks released. |
Step 6
When you've finished your design, save your PDF with trim marks and add 3mm bleed.
6 Trim Marks and 3mm bleed on all sides. Save PDF. |
Your PDF will show a design that correcly bleeds off each side and will align when closed (as close as we can get when trimming).
If you're unsure that your gatefold card will close with aligned artwork as you expect, we recommend a Sample Scored Card Print first to test your design.
Related articles:
How to set up your design for a scored card
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