Please read the instructions carefully before uploading or sending us your digital design to print. These instructions are for digital printing only (scroll to bottom for extra digital white, gold and silver instructions).
Instructions for printed products with different set ups:
- Digital printing on Indie Handmade click here.
- Digital printing on envelopes click here.
- Digital printing on Rigid Signage or Posters click here.
- Digital printing for Sticker / labels click here.
If you’re a professional designer and require more detailed information – take a look at our Artwork Guidelines.
Getting the format right every time
- We can only print from PDF files. Make sure your PDF is saved as high resolution or ‘print ready’.
- Please supply all artwork at the correct size. Ensure your design is in millimetres, (mm) programs like Canva default to pixels (px) which is very different!
- Make sure your downloaded (Canva) or saved PDF file is in CMYK colour format.
Image quality
The quality of your images is very important. Our digital presses are only capable of reproducing the quality you provide. If your photos or illustrations are fuzzy or bitmapped - they’ll print like that too!
Variable data
If you have multiple designs, set them up as one per page (i.e. for 20 table numbers, your PDF should be 20 pages).
Bleed... what is bleed?!
If you have text, images or background colour that goes right to the edge of your design (or off the edge), then you‘ll need to extend your artwork into the bleed by 3mm. You can find relevant help on bleed in our here or in whichever program you’re using. (Google is pretty good too).
Safe printing area (so nothing important gets chopped off!)
Important text, graphics and borders must be in at least 5mm from the edge. This is to allow for slight movement when printing and die cutting.
Die cut shapes
Download our templates for the available die cut shapes to make sure your design fits. One shape only per dieline. 3mm is the minimum size cut out/hole. Die cut shapes that need our templates also include printed items like pockets, sleeves and envelope liners.
If you're using Canva to create your design, click here to see how to use our templates correctly.
Printed Pockets and Sleeves
Download our pocket and sleeve templates to use with your design, making sure everything fits.
Our pockets are designed to fit INSIDE standard envelopes, which means that if you have flat cards to go inside the pockets, your cards (invite, RSVP etc) need to be a little smaller to fit. We recommend at 5mm smaller on all sides.
- Download our handy 'insert sizes' to show you the best card sizes to fit in your pockets and sleeves.
- Using our templates with Canva.
Extra instructions
Digital White Ink
All artwork for white ink should be supplied in CMYK 100% black - C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 (or #000000 if designing in Canva).
Digital Gold and Silver
All designs to be printed in Digital Gold or Silver (you can’t combine the two) should be supplied as a Spot Colour (if using Illustrator or InDesign) or, if you're using Canva create your design in Hex colour #ff0000 for Gold or #00ffff for Silver (these colours convert to gold when we print).
Click here for more help setting up for digital gold or silver printing.
Digital combos
- Setting up White Ink printing with CMYK click here.
- Setting up White Ink printing with Digital Gold or Silver click here.
- Setting up CMYK printing with Digital Gold or Silver click here
Related articles:
Easy instructions for Letterpress
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