It depends on what you've ordered.
- If there's a potential fault with the item, you may need to return it so we can investigate. Please submit a request detailing the problem and uploading clear photos of the item. You will need to notify us within five business days of delivery, so don’t put it off! We'll get back to you ASAP.
- If you change your mind or have ordered the wrong unprinted item and need to return it click here for more information.
- Print quality issues. If you order a discounted reprint (or qualify for a free reprint under The Printery Guarantee) then you'll need to return the original items (i.e business cards) so we can investigate the printing issue. You'll need to notify us within five business days of deliver. Please submit a request and we’ll let you know what we’ve decided, and if the goods are to be returned to Peterkin, we’ll provide you with either:
A return shipping bag. We’ll include it with the products we’ll be sending you as replacement, together with instructions on what to do next.
A return shipping label. Please print this out and stick it to the box containing the goods for return. We’ll let you know when the pickup will be scheduled.
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